Adjustments (cont.)
Maximum flow into the bowl is achieved when the flat on
the screw head is vertical (12 o’clock position). Minimum flow into
the bowl is achieved when the flat is positioned horizontally
(pointing toward 9 and 3 o’clock).
Observe the water level in the bowl after the water has refilled. If
the water level is below the seal height, turn the seal screw until
the flat on the screw head is in the 1 o’clock position.
Flush the toilet again, then check the water level.
Continue adjustment until the water stops entering the bowl just
as the seal height is reached.
High Pressure Water Timing
If the toilet is installed in an area with high water pressure
above 50 psi (344 kPa) working pressure, the fill valve should be
Hold the float rod up, flush the toilet, then release the float rod.
Time the refill from release of the float rod to the time the valve
shuts off.
For model K-3397:
If the time is greater than 34 seconds, no
adjustment is needed. If the time is 34 seconds or less, turn the
timing screw clockwise, then recheck the timing. Adjust the screw
until the timing is greater than 34 seconds.
For models K-3402 and K-3408:
If the time is greater than 26
seconds, no adjustment is needed. If the time is 26 seconds or
less, turn the timing screw clockwise, then recheck the timing.
Adjust the screw until the timing is greater than 26 seconds.
Recheck the bowl water level to ensure water stops entering the
bowl just as the seal height is reached.
Kohler Co.