Display cycles
between power and
total running hours
Wet Stacking
Kodiak Diesel Generators are designed to operate at moderate to maximum load. operating in underload
condition will create an effect called "wet Stacking"
Like all internal combustion engines, to operate at maximum efficiency a diesel engine has to have exactly
the right air-to-fuel ratio and be able to sustain its operational temperature for a complete burn of fuel. when
a diesel engine is operated in underload condition, it will not attain its correct operating temperature.
when the diesel engine runs below its optimum operating temperature for extended periods, unburned fuel
is exhausted and noticed as wetness in the exhaust system, and so the phrase "wet Stacking".
Unburned fuel in the combustion chamber will eventually cause carbonizing (low compression, fouled injec-
tors and a buildup of carbon on the rings, exhaust valves, and exhaust) and eventual engine failure.
The Power Monitor feature
will help avoid costly engine repairs due to carbonizing (
damage caused by
running in underload is not covered by warranty
). The Power Monitor will indicate under-load conditions, alert-
ing the user to increase to optimum load requirements. Additional functions of the monitor include: log and
display the number of running hours, and log the number of hours the engine has run in underload condition.
During normal operation:
• The display cycles between total running hours and power. Power is kw and the prefix "P" is displayed.
• The indicator light is normally off.
• Depressing the display selector switches the display to frequency (hertz) with a prefix "C". Display returns
to hours/power after a few moments.
Warning Conditions:
• If the
display is flashing
: an overload condition exists. Decrease electrical load.
• If the
LED indicator light glows red
: an underload condition exisits. Increase electrical load to avoid
"wet stacking" issues.
Flashing display,
indicates an overload
condition exists
LED glows red,
indicates there is an
underload condition
Display selector,
push to display