Operation Manual
Image Speed
The rate of the image feed, which is related to the frequency of the transmission, for instance, 2/1
means the image shifts twice every transmission.
Inner Hull Installation
A method of transducer installation; transducer is installed inside the bottom of the hull using the
optional inner hull kit MFB-04.
IR (Interference Rejection)
The name of the operating key switch that allows, when switched in, reducing interference caused by
other ship’s sounders.
A gain control characteristic in which receiver gain changes in a linear law (proportional to gain control),
which is best suited for shallow water fishing and detection of weak schools of fish.
A gain control law in which receiver gain changes in a log law (steep rise at first then gentle rise), best
suited for deep sea fishing.
Navigation Data (B.N)
Navigational data supplied from a navigator unit is shown such as, ship’s own position, speed, bearing,
waypoints, etc.
Peak Hold
A video processing method, comparing two consecutive sonar video signal in order to output the
largest one as the real sonar video.
Pulse Width
The width of the sonar pulse; wider pulse allows better detection of fish school but lack of definition
and vice versa.
STC (Sensitivity Time Control)
As the name indicates, the receiver sensitivity is controlled according to the time (depth), to help
detection of a school of fish in shallow murky water caused by the existence of plankton or some other
forms of marine life.