Plug the power line of the parallel machine into the remaining output socket of the battery, insert the
communication line of the parallel machine into LinkPort0, and lock the ground nut.
Repeat STEP C through STEP D to insert more batteries (up to 8 batteries).
6.5 System Start up
When connected to the inverter, turn on the battery first to ensure that the battery voltage output is
normal, then turn on the inverter.
All installation and operation must comply with local electrical standards.
Check all power cables and communication cables carefully.
Turn on the POWER switch
Dial address selection
Definition of address switch for parallel machine: When the battery pack is connected with multiple
batteries in parallel, the address switch can be used to distinguish different pack addresses. The
hardware address can be set by the address switch on the board. Addresses 1, 2, 3 and 4 represent the
online number of batteries (only the host needs to be configured), 5, 6, 7 and 8 represent the slave
address. The slave address needs to be continuous, and can support up to 12 batteries in parallel.
Single battery address setting: 0001 0000
Parallel batteries address setting: refer to the table below for the definition of address switch.
For example, three batteries are in parallel, and the address switch example is as follows:
Master dial: 0011 0000, slave 1 dial: 0000 0001, slave 2 dial: 0000 0010