Options for finding ebooks to read on the KoboArc:
Open the Reading folder on the home page of the KoboArc.
In this folder you will find several options for reading ebooks.
Tap the
Library to find ebooks purchased from Kobo.
Tap the
Overdrive Media to find ebooks that you may borrow and download from
Airdrie Public Library with your complimentary 3 month membership.
If you need help with this step please contact me and I will assist you.
TumbleBook Library (picture books) to open the webpage. You will need to
have access to WiFi. After signing in a popup window will appear. You must click on OK to
access the mobile site as Adobe Flash does not work on the Kobo.
Username: rjhawkey
Password: books
TumbleBook Cloud (audiobooks) to open the webpage. At this point you will only
be able to listen to audiobooks as all other books on this site require Adobe Flash. You will
need to have access to WiFi.
Username: rjhawkey
Password: login
Play Books to access purchased books from Google Play.