KOAMTAC Fundamentals
Using the KDC Finger Trigger Glove Adaptor
Insert the KDC into the pocket of the Finger Trigger Glove.
Use the KDC250/300 FTG for the KDC200 Finger Trigger Glove Adaptor.
Use the KDC350 FTG for the KDC250/300 Finger Trigger Glove Adaptor.
Slide the KDC & FTG Adaptor into the Finger
Trigger Glove.
Connect the FT cable to one side of the
adaptor and use the opposite side for your
original USB charging cable.
When using the Finger Trigger Glove
adaptor with CC 2X4, simply place them in
the charging cradle and begin charging. Be
sure the KDC screen is facing the same
direction as the KOAMTAC logo on the
front of the charger. The LED lights will
illuminate when charging contact is made.