Easy Maintenance
Easy Maintenance
Changing and Cleaning the Pump Head
Removing the Pump Head
This SOP refers to the Pneumatic Pump K–1900.
For exchange of the pump head, or for disassembling it in order to clean valves
or replace piston seals, piston rods etc., the pump head can easily be removed.
Clean the pump head with a suitable cleaning reagent and then with
distilled water according to chapter „Start of Solvent Delivery“ on page
11, step 1 and 2.
If organic solvents remain in the pump head, danger of skin irritation may
Remove the two solvent tubings from the „Eluent inlets“, Pos. {1.2}see
Fig. 2 on page 7.
Loosen the two „Eluent outlets to transducer“, Pos. {1.7} and the two
„Inlets to transducer“, Pos. {2.1}.
Remove the two „Connection capillaries“, Pos. {1.8}, beginning with the
upper „n“-shaped one.
Loosen the „Inlets valve housing“, Pos. {1.5}as well as the fittings at
„Outlets valve housing“, Pos. {1.6}.
Using a hexagonal spanner no. 4 (4 mm), loosen just two diagonally
opposed „Head set screws“, Pos. {1.3}. Remove the screws.
Carefully loosen the two remaining screws, alternating from one to the
other, approx. half a turn. This prevents the pump head from tilting and
becoming damaged. Once the spring tension has been reduced, hold the
pump head firmly in one hand while removing the screws completely with
the other hand.
Carefully remove the pump head.
Removing and Checking Piston Rods
This SOP refers to the following pump heads:
100 ml stainless steel, KNAUER order number A 4029-1
250 ml stainless steel, KNAUER order number A 4021-1
500 ml stainless steel, KNAUER order number A 4038-1
1000 ml stainless steel, KNAUER order number A 4022-1
Remove Pump head as described in SOP „Removing the Pump Head“.
If you only wish to check the piston rods, you do not need to disassemble
the pump head any further.
The „Piston rods“, Pos. {3.17} in Fig. 12 on page 14 may be removed
using pliers. Take the tip of the piston using the pliers, and pull it out
carefully in a straight line.
If the rods are broken, you must check the entire pump head for damage.