KMC Controls
Revision E
Operating the controller
Controls and Indicators
Ready LED
The green Ready LED indicates the state of the controller. This includes automatic
addressing functions that are fully described in the guide
MS/TP Addressing For
BACnet Controllers.
Power up
During controller initialization, the Ready LED is continuously
illuminated for 5 to 20 seconds. Once initialization is complete, the Ready LED
begins flashing to indicate normal operation.
Normal operation
During normal operation, the Ready LED flashes a repeating
pattern of one second on and then one second off.
Restart button acknowledge
The restart button includes several functions for
automatic addressing that are acknowledged with the Ready LED. When the restart
button is pressed, the Ready LED illuminates continuously until either of the
following take place:
• The restart button is released.
• The restart button time-out period is reached and a restart operation is
complete. Restart button operations are listed in the following table.
Communications (Com) LED
The yellow Communications LED indicates how the controller is communicating
with other controllers on the network.
Sole master
Repeating pattern of a long flash and a short pause that repeats once a
second. It indicates that the controller has either generated the token or is a sole MS/
TP master and has yet to establish communications with other MS/TP devices.
Token passing
A short flash each time the token is passed. The frequency of the
flash is an indication of how often the device receives the token.
Table 3-1 Ready LED patterns for restart button operations
Controller state
LED pattern
The controller is set as an automatic
addressing anchor. The MAC in the
controller is set to 3
A rapid repeating pattern of a short flash
followed by a short pause.
The controller has sent the automatic
addressing lock command to the network
Two short flashes followed by a long
pause. The pattern repeats until the restart
button is released.
No restart operation
Ready LED remains unlit until the restart
button is released.