Click to refresh the Route Status list. To automatically refresh the list every 10
seconds, select the
Auto Refresh
check box.
Illustration 4–1 Routing Status page
Route Status buttons
The Route Status buttons are useful for diagnosing routing and network problems.
Send I-Am-Router-To-Network
Broadcasts to all networks that the router is on the network.
This can trigger internetwork wide updates.
Clear Direct Network Status
Forces the status of all direct networks to Active. If a network
problem continues after clearing the direct networks, the networks with problems will return
to a status other than Active.
Purge Remote Networks
Removes all remote routes from the network table.
Send Who-Is-Router-to-Network
Initiates a query to other routers that results in the
discovery of other networks. Other routers respond with a BACnet I-Am-Router-To-Network
Clear Remote Networks
Forces the status of all remote networks to Active. If a problem
continues with a remote network, it will return to a status other than Active.
Send Sequence
Sequentially broadcasts the three commands Purge, Clear, and Send I-Am-
Section 4: Diagnostics and status
KMC Controls, Inc.
Revision J