(a) Three phase registers of active and re-
active energy - sums of quadrants.
(b) Three phase active and -
, reactive energy displayed separately for
each quadrant.
(c) Active and -, reactive en-
ergy separately for each quadrant, values
shown for each phase separately.
Figure 26: Meter reading screens of SMY 133 . Scrolling the instrument screens vertically user lists meter
readings for each tarif and sums (EP, EQL+, EQL-, EQC+ a EQC-) and single phase (L1, L2 and L3) values
can be than viewed in the ENVIS application. user can open the downloaded file directly from ENVIS.Daq: in
Downloaded Files
panel in the left column of the main window there is a list of recently downloaded files.
Energy meter readings
SMY 133 has an embedded three phase, four-quadrant energy meter with automatic meter reading functions
and tariff (Time-of-Use, TOU). The instrument registers active and reactive energy separately (EP+, EP-). For
reactive energy it measures — capacitive EQC and inductive EQL for four-quadrant meter resp. reactive EQC+,
EQC- and EQL+, EQL- separately for active power demanded and supplied for six-quadrant meter. According
to the configuration of meter (ch. 23) readings are shuffled to the respective tariffs. It automatically provides
summaries per phase. For star connections and single phase measurements it can also register energy for each
phase separately.
Readings can be displayed on the instrument screen. Basic hierarchy is shown on the fig. 26 — button
enters the main instrument menu, use buttons
) to navigate to electricity meter icon, press button
again and enter the meter reading screen (fig. 26a). Meter data readings can be downloaded and analyzed in
ENVIS or via the standard ModBus protool in any other system.
Embedded Webserver
All of instruments with Ethernet communication option are equipped with a native embedded webserver. Over
this feature all important actual main measurements, registers and instrument setting can be viewed with a
standard web browser with support for HTML5. It requires to set properly the instrument remote communication
parameters and to connect it to the network. Then in the web browser enter an appropriate IP address of the
instrument and information from the instrument appears.