Remote Communication Interface
N = RS-485
E = Ethernet, RS-485
Current Inputs
X/5A = 5A AC a 1A AC (standard indirect measurement)
X/1OOmA = 1OO mA AC (indirect measurement with 1OO mA CT)
SMC 133 U 23O X/5A E
Instrument Model
Auxiliary Power Supply
SMC 133 = Power analyser and datalogger, 3U, 3I
SMC 133D = Power analyser and datalogger, 3U, 3I, LCD
U = 85 V ÷ 510 VAC, 85 V ÷ 35O VDC, 2 universal DIO
S = 1O V ÷ 26 VAC, 1O V ÷ 36 VDC, internal UPS
L = 2O V ÷ 5O VAC, 2O V ÷ 75 VDC, internal UPS
Nominal Measuring Voltage
23O = 23O V/4OO V
1OO = 57,7 V/1OO V
Figure 1: Schematics of the SMC 133 ordering options and variants. It includes special codes for proper current
and voltage rating options.
General Description
The SMC 133 is specially designed for monitoring of energy and power quality in advanced power systems and
smart grids. It is intended to be used mostly for DIN rail mounting. This display-less design with multiple
communication options is suitable for a wide spectrum of automation tasks in modern buildings, distributed
power generation, remote supervision of the infrastructure and also remote load management. Two different
user interfaces are offered - SMC 133 D with a small embedded color display on the front panel for simple local
value reading and an unobtrusive SMC 133 without display with limited ability for for hostile user interaction.
To protect the actual setup and collected data each instrument can be locked by a custom pin. It uses standard
RS-485 serial line for communication with remote control systems. Optionally it can be equipped with other
communication peripherals such as Ethernet, USB, WiFi, ZigBee (custom options).
It is equipped with three voltage input and three current inputs. The default current input option X/5A
uses common X/5A or X/1A current transformers. The instrument can be supplied with inputs customized for
current transformers with X/100 mA ratio,
The X/100mA, options are specially designed to be used only in combination with provided
external current sensors which are supported with the respective option.
The SMC 133 is available in several configurations according to the customer requirements
. See the ordering
scheme on figure 1.
Complete and most up to date list of optional and other accessories are available on request from the device vendor.