Cleaning completed, return to park position
The teach-in run is indicated by a large symbol “L” at the lower left. Otherwise, the display is the same as for
the cleaning procedure. During the teach-in run, the media are switched off and the rotor rotates at maximum
6. Troubleshooting
The error message can be acknowledged by pressing the three-button combination ( )under the
display. It must then be reset to the start position using the keyboard. Once this has been done, it is ready to
start cleaning again. If any one of these errors occurs, the relevant sensors are to be checked
If there is a motor fault, the following appears:
E r r o r
M o v i n g t o r e s e t !
s x x x x
T e s t c i r c u m f s e n .
E r r o r
T e s t m i d d l e s e n s .
E r r o r
E r r o r
T a k t s e n s . d e f e c t ?
M o t o r t e m p e r a t u r !
Check motor
with Atex: ATEX PTC relay has triggered
without ATEX: Check bridge for thermal protection
Has the start-up test run completely?
Has the rotor stopped during cleaning?