Troubleshooting Tips
Stop the air cond itioner immediate ly if one of the follow ing faults occur. Disconnect the
power and contact the neare st customer service center.
Fus e blows frequently or circu it brea ker trips frequentl y.
Other objects or water penetrat e the air conditione r.
The remote con troller won't wor k or work s abnormall y.
Unit not cooling
or heating
(Cooling/ heating
models only)
room very well
while air flowing
out from the air
cond tioner
Powe r cut
Unit may have becomeunpl ug ged.
Fuse may hav e blown.
Battery in Rem ote controlle r may
have been exha ust ed.
The time you have set wit h timer
is inc orr ect.
Wait for power to be restor ed.
Chec k tha t plug is sec urely in wall
rece ptacle.
Repl ace the fuse.
Replac e the battery.
Wait or cancel timer setting.
Set te mpe rature correc tly. For
deta il ed method please refer to
Usi ng re mote control
Clean the air filter.
Close the door s or windows.
Clear obs tru ctions awa y first, then
rest art the unit.
Inapprop riate tempera ture
Air filt er is blocked.
Doors or Windows are open.
Air inle t or out let of indoor or
outdo or uni t has been bloc ked.
Compress or 3 minutes
prote ction has been activa ted.
If the trouble has not been corrected, please contact a local dealer or the nearest customer
service center. Be sure to inform them of the detailed malfunctions and unit model.
Notes: Do not attempt to repair the unit yourself.
Always consult an authorised service provider.
What should be done?
If the followin g code appears on the LED window, disc onnect the powe r and conta ct
the service peop le: E0, E1,E2,E3,E4,E5,E6,E 7,E8 or P0,P1,P2,P 3,P4, P6.
O pera to n ind ic a t or o r oth e r i nd i cato rs flas h r apidl y an d thi s flas h c an no t be
s topp ed by disc onnectin g t he po w er an d the n c on n e ctin g i t i n a ga i n.