Fixing the seal for side-opening windows and roof windows
The installation of the window seal is simple. You can attach the seal to a tilted
window, a side-opened window or a roof window. We have chosen a side-opened
window for demonstration purposes. It is particularly suitable because the exhaust
hose can be attached to the side far down.
The Velcro tape is attached to the three open sides. The side where the window is
against the frame is left out. Clean and dry the window frame beforehand so that
the tape adheres.
Attach the Velcro tape on
the left, on the top and
on the bottom of the
window frame.
We recommend that you
cut the tape into strips
for each window side
Now attach the Velcro
tape to the inner window
Stick the window sealing
to the Velcro strips on
the window frame first
(starting with the top),
then on the Velcro strips
on the window.
Push the exhaust
air tube of the air
conditioner through
the hole, which can be
adjusted in height and