1.Turn the trampoline over so that the jumping surface is up
side down.
2. You will notice there are plastic caps covering the threads
which the legs screw on to. Remove these caps and screw the
legs firmly to the rim.
3.Turn trampoline back over and you are ready to jump.
Warm Up & Basic Excersizes
Warm up:
Always warm up throughly before starting your workout. Do at least five minutes of stret
ching and bending to help prevent muscle pulls and strains. As a beginner, rebounding should be done
at a slow-to-moderate pace. Only use the mini trampoline for a few minutes at a time to allow your
muscles to become used to the exercise.
Basic Bounce:
This exercise can be as difficult as you want,depending on the effort you put into
it. Stand in the center of the mini trampoline with feet slightly apart. This will be your basic starting
stance for all rebounding exercises. Without lifting your feet off the mini trampoline, lightly bounce.
If necessary, situate yourself near a sturdy object or wall that can be leaned on to help balancing. As
you become used to bouncing, lift your feet off the trampoline a little.
Increase the hight of your bounce as you become more more comfortable with this basic bounce.
Basic Walk:
This is a good warm-up and cool-down exercise. From a basic starting stance, alternate
ly lift your heels.Do not lift your toes off the trampoline. Swing your arms as you would while walking.
Basic Jog:
This exercise is a fun way to raise your heart rate. From a basic starting stance, alterna
tely lift each foot an inch or two off the mini trampoline. Move your arms as you would while jogging.
: This is an advanced exercise. Stand in the center of the mini trampoline with
your feet close together,Instead of doing a basic bounce, Bring your left foot forward during the
bounce, touching your heel to the surface.
Briefly raise your left arm up in front of you as your heel touches the surface. Repeat this for the right
foot.Doing this for a minute or so is all it takes to get the sweat pouring.
To make each exercise more of a challenge, go faster or bounce higher as you are getting comfortable
with the trampoline. The basic jog can be jazzed up by adding an alternating side twist (moving only your
lower body) to each step you take. As you become more comfortable with rebounding, you will naturally
discover new exercises.
CHAL-TEC GmbH, Wallstraße 16, 10179 Berlin, Germany