Klark Teknik 1176-KT Скачать руководство пользователя страница 6



Quick Start Guide





(4) (5)






(11) (12)

Step 2: Controls

1176-KT Controls


Adjust the INPUT knob to simultaneously set 
the signal level entering the unit and also set 
the compressor threshold. Turning the knob 
clockwise will result in more compression.


The OUTPUT knob sets the overall level sent 
from the unit.


Use the ATTACK knob to adjust the amount 
of time it takes for the compressor 
to respond to audio that exceeds the 
threshold. The response time is slow when 
set fully counterclockwise and faster as it is 
turned clockwise. 


The RELEASE knob adjusts how long the 
compressor remains engaged after the 
incoming audio falls below the threshold. 
The response time is slow when set 
fully counterclockwise and faster as it is 
turned clockwise. 


The RATIO buttons determine the amount 
of gain reduction. The lowest setting of 4:1 
results in fairly mild compression, while 8:1 
yields heavier compression. The 12:1 and 
20:1 settings act as a limiter instead of a 
compressor. Higher settings also increase 
the threshold automatically. An extreme 
eff ect can be achieved by pressing all 4 RATIO 
buttons in simultaneously.


The VU METER displays either the amount 
of gain reduction or the output level, 
depending on which operation is selected.


The METER BUTTONS select whether the 
VU meter displays the amount of gain 
reduction (GR) or displays the output level. 
A meter reading of 0 corresponds to an output 
level of +4, +6 or +8 dBm, depending which 
button is engaged.


The POWER switch turns the unit on and off .


OUTPUTS are available as balanced ¼  " and 
XLR connectors.


INPUTS are available as balanced ¼  " and 
locking XLR connectors.


Engage the PAD switch to reduce the input 
sensitivity by 20 dB for use with hot signals.


The small meter adjustment pot allows 
the meter to be calibrated. See the 
‘Getting Started’ section for details. 

Содержание 1176-KT

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