4. „STOP“ and „DURATION“ combined
With this function, the oven switches on and off automati-
cally (functions "stop" and "permanent" combined).
• First select the desired type of heating and a suitable
• Now as described in the previous points, the functions
"STOP" and "DURATION" will be set in combination.
• The oven now "knows" when the dish should be ready
("STOP" time) and how long it should be cooking ("DURA-
TION" time).
• Exactly at this preperation time ("DURATION") the oven
will turn itself on the "STOP" and by reaching it off.
Procedure and example:
You want to leave in the morning 10 clock the house, but
serve after your return at 12:00 clock a roast chicken, whose
cooking time is 1 Sunde and 10 minutes.
Proceed as following:
• Choose a desired heating type and a suitable temperature.
• Set up the cooking duration. For example: 1 hour und 10
minutes (= 70 minutes).
• Set up the time, when the appliance should stop working.
For example: 12:00 o'clock.
• After a few seconds, the switch detects the input data and
the oven now "waits" for his dedication.
• At 10:50 clock, the oven will turn on the chicken for 1 hour
and 10 minutes and fry complete this operation on time at
12:00 clock in order to switch it off afterwards.
• The end of the cooking process is additionally indicated by
a beep which you can turn off at any time by pressing any
switch or control surface.
• After reaching the point of time, the sign "STOP" and the
time display (0:00) starts to flash and a buzzer will ring.
• You can stop the beep anytime prematurely by pressing
any switch or control surface.