Single-Axis K-Shear and PiezoStar
Page 40
7. Calibration & maintenance
Calibration consists of the precise determination of the
accelerometer sensitivity by direct comparison, at various
frequencies, to a National Institute of Standards and Techno-
logy (NIST) traceable standard accelerometer. The test acce-
lerometer is attached to the top of the reference accelero-
meter in a 'back-to-back' configuration. The reference and
test accelerometer are excited at equivalent frequencies and
levels. The resulting amplitudes of both accelerometers are
then compared to determine if the test unit is within tolerance
of the specified acceptance parameters.
7.1 Calibration
7.2 Maintenance
Clean the accelerometer with Isopropyl alcohol and lint- free
paper wipes. Never use an air-blast to clean the connector; it
may deposit a water vapor film. Excess cyanoacrylate adhe
sive (i.e. Eastman 910, Loctite 430, etc.) on the mounting
surface may be removed with dimethylformamide or acetone.
Refer to the adhesive manufacturer's product label for recom-
mended removal agent.
Do not use an abrasive on the base surface. This can affect
the flatness, thereby reducing high frequency transmissibility.
Factory repair is recommended where trained personnel and
appropriate measuring equipment and fixtures are available.
Recalibration is recommended when returning an acce-
lerometer to the factory. Kistler is an accredited ISO 17025
Laboratory and offers such calibration services. A calibration
certificate will be supplied showing calibration results from
standards traceable to NIST.