Prior to using the adjustment options it is
essential to ensure that nothing will impede
movement or interfere with the mechanism.
In particular, please ensure that children
and pets are clear of the movement range
to avoid accidental injury.
Ensure that the wheel brakes, if applicable,
are fully engaged before activating the
Safety Device
The Fitform has been fitted with three
powerful motors that utilise 24 volts DC.
For the safety and peace of mind of our
customers there are two fail safe devices: a
power cut off limit and a thermostat control.
In the event that the ampage of the chair
increases to more than 5 amps or the motor
temperature becomes excessive, the
transformer will cut out and disable the
chair’s activities. If the chair does not
restart after approximately 20 minutes,
please contact our Customer Helpline for
further assistance on
Freephone 0800
+44 (0) 1440 705352.
Neither the thermostat control or the
transformer mechanisms are cause for any
concern; they are fail-safe devices for
safety and peace of mind.
In the unlikely event of the Fitform
malfunctioning, first check whether the
mains plug has been connected to the
electrical socket and switched on. Kirton
cannot be held liable for any damages
caused by careless, inappropriate or
improper use.
If you experience any problems when
operating this chair or for any further
information on our product range, please
call our Customer Helpline on
0800 212709
+44 (0) 1440 705352.
Page 3
The User Instructions
The purpose of the following user
instructions is to provide a guide on how to
utilise, adjust and maintain the Fitform
These instructions should be read by all
those involved with the supervision of the
user and/or the care of the chair before use.
The Fitform
be adjusted in terms of
positioning for each individual user to
ensure safe and comfortable use.
Please retain these instructions with the
Care and Maintenance card enclosed for
future reference.
Questions and Concerns
Should you experience any difficulties or
have any concerns regarding the initial
purchase or subsequently adjusting the
Fitform chair or have any concerns
regarding its use or operation then
immediately contact either your Kirton
representative, distributor or our Customer
Services Team on
Freephone 0800
+44 (0) 1440 705352
they will
be delighted to help you.
General Operation of the Fitform
The Fitform chair should have been
purchased with the correct seat width for
the user and set with the correct seat height
and armrest height before delivery.
However, the chair has the facility to be
adjusted to accommodate each user’s
specific requirements in terms of tilt-in-
space and back recline positioning, legrest
elevation and headrest adjustment.
Adjusting the positioning of the chair is
easily made with the user in the chair.
The Fitform has been fitted with three
powerful motors to effect the range of
movements effortlessly. Before using the
adjustments of the chair, ensure that it has
been connected to the mains socket and all
packaging and covering materials have
been removed.