To select a base station press ENTER
and the handset will stay on this base
stations until the handset is powered off
or a LOGIN is made. The display is now
the same as if CUR BASE (Ch. 5.2) was
5.2 Cur. Base
“Cur Base” makes it possible to see the
status of the base station the handset is
presently locked onto (Se MENU Structu-
The frequency the hand-
set is presently using
The timeslot the hand-
set is presently using
Bit error measurement
RSSI value (-99-00).
The GAP standard has 10 frequencies
from 1880 MHz. to 1900 MHz. in 1.7
MHz steps. For each frequency there are
12 slots. This means that there are 120
channels available to the user if the
system is a full slot system. The KIRK
DECT-z 1500 system is a blind slot
system, meaning that only the even slot
is used. In a blind slot system there are
only 60 channels useable.
When a handset is in idle mode (no
calls) the handset has a dummy bearer
connected to the base station. The dum-
my bearer only uses one channel on the
base station RF-module if the dummy
bearer is jumping between the channels.
When a call is on the base station all
slots on the frequency are blocked. The
KIRK Brugervejl. 1403 6200 ED1 09/04/02 15:52 Page