The RELOCK feature of the SL30H/50H only relocks the driverʼs door on some cars due to the absence
of CAN-BUS digital codes on those cars. Visit the KIRAMEK website and the SL30H/50H web page to
see a chart that shows which cars RELOCK the Driverʼs Door, Passenger Door and Rear Doors.
The 9 second delay exists because it is assumed that hard braking will occur just prior to a collision and
the doors should not be unlocked while a collision is taking place. The doors are unlocked 9 seconds
after hard braking only if the vehicle comes to a complete stop. Auto Unlock is triggered by hard
braking alone, and the system is not triggered or affected by the vehiceʼs airbags system or
shock/impact during a collision.
NOTE: If your vehicle is not completely stopped (0km/h) when the SL30H/50H tries to Unlock (at the 9
sec. point), the doors will NOT Unlock.
• The SL30H/50H is incompatible with remote engine starters because the SL30H/50H will Unlock doors when the engine is
remote started.
• The SL30H/50H is incompatible with Turbo Timers because the SL30H/50H will immediately Unlock when the Turbo Timer is
• The SL30H/50H is fully compatible with other DIGI-LINK® products from KIRAMEK, INC.
IMPORTANT! The SL30H/50H is NOT COMPATIBLE with 3rd party OBD devices from other companies!
Doors auto-LOCK when vehicle speed exceeds 20km/h.
Returning the gear to the P position UNLOCKS the doors.
Doors auto-Unlock 9 seconds after rapid deceleration.
The SL30H/50H will RELOCK doors if unlocked while driving at >20km/h.
The SL30H/50Hʼs internal LED will flash until it is Learned. After Learning the LED will be solid RED while
the vehicleʼs CAN-BUS network is active. But when the CAN-BUS network sleeps, then the SL30H/50Hʼs
LED will turn off. What this means is, even after you shut off your engine, you may continue to see the
SL30H/50Hʼs LED remain lit until the vehicleʼs CAN finally sleeps. That sleep time is typically 30 seconds
to 3 minutes depending on the vehicle, and assuming no network activity takes place.
Metal Removal Handle
OBD Connector
Reset Button
Status LED
Connect this white plug to your
vehicleʼs OBD connector, often
found on the driverʼs side foot area.
(Remove white rubber-band first!)
: Start the engine. (Donʼt just turn the Ignition ON. Start the engine!)
: Securely connect the SL30H/50H to the carʼs OBD plug and then wait to see the following:
• The SL30H/50Hʼs LED will flash.
• Vehicle doors will eventually Lock/Unlock and Hazard Lights will flash.
• Learning is finished when the SL30H/50Hʼs internal buzzer beeps and the LED turns solid RED.
It can take up to 30 seconds, so please be patient. You can then turn off your engine.
Makes it easier to disconnect
the SL30H/50H after you
have connected it to your
vehicleʼs factory OBD
connector. Simply release
the clamp from its locked-
down position and then pull
on it to remove the SL30H/50H.
Itʼs very important that you start the vehicleʼs engine BEFORE you connect the SL30H/50H. Furthermore,
it is important that you keeping the engine running until the SL30H/50Hʼs LED turns solid RED. If you stop
the engine or disconnect the SL30H/50H while the LED is still flashing, the SL30H/50H will not function,
and you will then need to press the SL30H/50Hʼs Reset Button with a paper-clip to get it functioning
properly again. Two examples of malfunction (due to improper learning of the SL30H/50H) are:
1. If a door is opened:
You may experience repeated Locking and Unlocking.
2. If doors are closed:
LED may be lit solid RED but the Locking/Unlocking doesnʼt work at all.
If you experience a malfunction, with the SL30H/50H connected and the engine running, insert the tip of a
paper-clip into the Reset Button hole and keep pushing until the LED starts FLASHING. Then if the LED
changes from Flashing to Solid RED, then proper learning should have occurred and all should be well.
Do NOT use a toothpick or other breakable to press the Reset Button. The SL30H/50H case
is sealed and cannot be opened to remove whatever you break off inside!
Use when installing the
SL30H/50H in a different car,
or when you cannot Learn
(see below), or when
behavior is strange. Press
with a paperclip for 1 second
and then release while
connected to your carʼs OBD
and while Ignition is ON.
Connector with Rubber Cap
NEVER connect to this! If you connect to any USB device, you will
harm your SL30H/50H. Such damage is not covered under warranty.