There is a choice of methods of fixing the firebox which are provided to enable the
installer to deal with any type of installation.
The preferred method of fixing which is suitable for almost all situations is
the cable fixing method which is described in the following section in detail.
If the 50mm black spacer is used (only suitable for use on Kalahari models), the
fire may be secured using the cable method as described below, or alternatively, in
installations where the cable method is not suitable (eg. loose masonary in rear of
fire opening) the spacer may be removed from the fire box and secured to the fire
surround using protruding screws which engage on to the key hole slots on the
rear face of the spacer. The spacer will then need to be sealed to the fire
surround. The fire box can then be refitted to the spacer. The foam seal (sup-
plied) must be fitted around the perimeter of the spacer in a “goalpost” arrange-
ment to ensure a seal is achieved to the fireplace.
To fit using the
cable method proceed as follows-
Mark out and drill 4 off No 14 (6mm) holes in the back face of the fire
opening in the positions shown below in fig. 7
Fig. 7
Fit the wallplugs provided and screw the fixing eyes securely into the rear of the
fire opening. If the clearance at the rear of the fire is at the minimum specified for
a precast flue application, it may be necessary to bend over the lower fixing eyes
after screwing them fully in to the rear of a pre-cast starter block.
Uncoil the two fire fixing cables and thread one end of each of the
cables through one of the two holes on each side of the flue outlet
Fireplace Opening