Enter the word or phrase and press [ENTER].
1. View the meaning and the relevant grammar information or
listen to the pronunciation of the headword by using the same
approach mentioned above.
2.1.3 Nearest Word and Spell Check
If the inputted word is not in the dictionary,
Nearest Word and Spell Check will be shown
for selection after pressing [ENTER].
Select Nearest Word to display the word
alphabetically nearest to the one inputted.
Select Spell Check to display a list of words
that are phonetically similar to the one
2.1.4 Wild Card Search
When you can only remember part of a word or a phrase, you can
use "?" to replace an unknown letter, or "*" to replace several
unknown letters. Relevant words or phrases will be displayed
according to alphabetical order.
1. Enter the word you want to search
(e.g. "bas?n" or "acc*ted").
2. Press [ENTER] to perform searching.
3. Press [ ] to look for the word you want.
2.1.5 Cross Search with User's Dictionary
If the meanings of the word entered exist
in the built-in dictionary and the user's
dictionary, you can choose either one of
(Note: When the word can only be found in User's Dictionary, its
meanings found in User's Dictionary will be shown automatically.)