The measured value is not shown on the panel display (shows "----").
Is auto continue mode on? Auto continue mode is off by default on the PCR-M.
Is the trigger source set to IMM (default)?
The display of the PCR-M series with firmware version 1.20 or later operates as a monitor. It
displays the present value that is being delivered to the load.
The display of the PCR-M series with firmware version 1.19 or earlier displays the value that
was measured using the INIT or MEASure command. Therefore, the PCR-M display shows "--
-," which signifies that there is no data, in the following cases. When the front panel control
switches from local to remote.
The measured value is not shown on the panel display (shows ".b.y.t").
If a concatenated command or a command that takes a long time to process is received, the
PCR-M series may not be able to allocate the necessary internal memory.
When you send a command that takes a long time to process, wait approximately 250 ms
before sending the next command.
->Processing time of main commands
Measurement does not start or the settings are not changed even when
a trigger is sent.
Is the sequence in the WTG (Waiting for Trigger) state?
To start the measurement using a trigger, set the trigger source to BUS and send the INIT
command to set the sequence in the WTG state.
Sequence 3 example
If a trigger is sent in the WTG state, measurement starts.
->View details
Would like to know the time needed to complete the measurement.
The PCR-M requires at most 330 ms to complete a measurement after starting the
measurement operation.
If an *OPC? query is sent along with the INIT command, an ASCII character "1" is set in the
output queue when all of the measurement operations are completed.
Sequence 3 example
Because the measurement is complete when this response is retrieved, the measured data
can be retrieved using the FETC? query.
For sequence 1, change INIT:SEQ3 to
Installing the VISA library
Interface Setup
Overview of Command
Default settings
Command (function
IEEE488.2 Common Commands
Output Setting
Protection and Clearing Alarms
Triggered Control of Output
Output On/Off Phase Control
Measured Value Queries
System Configuration
Command (ABC search)
Command (Sub-system
MEASure and FETCh
IEEE488.2 Common Commands
Other Commands
Register structure
A List of Errors
Processing time of main
Programming AC Output
Programming DC Output
Triggering Output Change
Output-on Phase Control
Waiting for Operation Complete
Panel display
Status Monitoring
Error Checking
Visual Basic 2008
AC Power Supply PCR-M series
Communication Interface Manual
PCR-M series Communication Interface Manual