goes to the WTG (Waiting For Trigger) state. When a software trigger is applied with the
TRIGger:SEQuence3:IMMediate or *TRG command, the measurement action is executed.
When the operation is completed, the trigger subsystem returns to the IDLE state again.
When an ABORt or an equivalent command is sent without executing the trigger, the
measurement action is cancelled, and then the trigger subsystem returns to the IDLE state.
The ABORt command and IEEE488.1 sdc/dcl commands simply abort the measurement task
that is in progress. It does not have a feature to invalidate any measurement data that has
been acquired. On the other hand, the *RST and *RCL commands not only abort the
measurement task, but also invalidate the acquired measurement data. This means that the
"*RST;:FETC:VOLT:AC?" command line will generate an error, because no measurement
data can be fetched and there is no new measurement is scheduled.
The only difference between MEASure and FETCh commands is that the MEASure command
starts a new measurement while the FETCh command does not. Availability for
measurement items varies depending on the output mode, but it is exactly the same for
MEASure and FETCh.
PCR-M series Communication Interface Manual