Operating instruction | KIESELMANN GmbH
4 | Function and operation
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4 F u n c t i o n a n d o p e r a t i o n
4.1 Description of function
The function of the vacuum valve is to prevent inadmissible pressure shortfalls (≤ 1bar absolute
pressure), in tanks and containers, which can result in damage. At underpressure, the valve opens
to the atmosphere. The pressure in the tank is brought to the atmospheric pressure by the inflowing
air. When the pressures become equal, the valve closes by the force of its weight without any ex-
ternal energy. The flow capacities referred to the relevant underpressure are shown in the capacity
In addition, the valve can be operated via a pneumatic actuator (see chapter
). The position of the actuator can be retrieved via sensors which are mounted at a sensor
4.2 Commissioning, service and maintenance
4.2.1 Commissioning Installation instructions
Fitting position
• The fitting is generally install vertical, as shown in the picture.
4.2.2 General welding guidelines
Sealing elements integrated in weld components must generally be removed prior to welding. To
prevent damage, welding should be undertaken by certified personnel (EN ISO 9606-1). Use the TIG
(Tungsten Inert Gas) welding process.
Damage and injuries due to high temperature supply
To avoid a distortion of the components, all welding parts must be welded to stress-relieved.
Allow all components to cool before assembling.
Damage due to impurities
Impurities can cause damage to the seals and seals area.
Clean inside areas prior to assembly.
4.2.3 ATEX - Guidelines
For valves or plants/installations that are operated in the ATEX area, sufficient bonding (grounding)
must be ensured (see valid ATEX Guidelines EG).
4.2.4 Service
Maintenance interval
The maintenance intervals depend on the operating conditions "temperature, temperature-intervals,
medium, cleaning medium, pressure and opening frequency". We recommend replacing the seals 2-
year cycle The user, however should establish appropriate maintenance intervals according to the
condition of the seals.