P.O. Box 550 Collingwood, Ontario, Canada L9Y 4B2
NORTH AMERICA - Tel: (705) 444-2300 * Fax: (705) 444-0007 * Toll-Free 1- 800-668-0206
INTERNATIONAL – Tel: 001-705-444-2300 * Fax: 705-444-0007
Installing Player Rods
With all spacers and caps in place, assuring all
players are in their correct positions, begin to
tighten the screws.
Holding the spacer with your fingers on the
inside of the table will keep it in place while
Repeat for all caps and spacers
Handle Installation
Align the same color handles to players, push
the telescoping rods completely in before
gently tapping the handle onto the rod, making
sure to cover the ridges on the rod.
After handle installation, try to pull off each of
them. If installed correctly they will not move.
Do not install handles if the plastic feels cold, allow them to warm before installing.
Replacing Glass Cover to Table
Prior to replacing glass top to table, make sure that the players and play field have been cleaned
of any debris during the setup process. Also, clean both sides of the glass top before replacing.
(See table-cleaning instructions)
Slide glass top carefully into the groves of the
Replace the end bracket by securing the two
(2) screws removed earlier.
: If this end bracket does not line up easily, check the opposite end of the table to ensure
the glass top has fit into the end grove. To do so push down gently on the metal edging and slide
glass top in.