6. Recommended Locations for CO Alarms
Note: CO alarms should be installed following the guidance of relevant local standards, such as
EN 50292.
Whether the alarm is wall-mounted or ceiling mounted, place the alarm a horizontal distance of between
1 metre and 3 metres from a fuel burning appliance.
When mounting the alarm on the wall, use an inside wall with the top edge of the alarm at a minimum
of 150 mm below the ceiling. The bottom of the alarm should also be at a level greater than the height
of any door or window.
Locate within hearing distance of bedrooms* and place at sleeping height if a heating appliance is in the
CO alarms in rooms with sloped ceilings should be located on the high side of the room.
Ceiling mounted alarms should be at least 300 mm from any wall.
If there is a partition in the room, locate the alarm on the same side of the partition as the potential source.
* A CO alarm should be installed in all rooms containing a fuel burning appliance. Additional CO alarms
should be installed in rooms where most awake time is spent, in every sleeping area, and on every level of
the home.