Assemble units as described herein only. To do otherwise
may result in instability. All screws, nuts and bolts must be
tightened securely and must be checked periodically after
assembly. Failure to assemble properly, or to secure parts
may result in assembly failure and personal injury.
Universal Fixed-Height Screens
Assembly Instructions
Universal Fixed-Height Screens
If tables do not have
pre-drilled holes under the tabletops
for installing screens, retrofitting will
be required. See page 6, “Retrofit
Drilling Guidelines.”
1. Carefully remove contents from
shipping cartons and identify parts
and hardware supplied.
The Universal Fixed-Height
Screen may be installed on Pirouette,
WorkUp, and Toggle table models.
Certain table models allow screens
to be mounted on the side of the
table as a divider screen. The
assembly process is the same for
divider screens and privacy screens.
The following instructions show
the installation of a privacy screen
to a 24 x 48” Pirouette Fixed-Base
Rectangular Table, your configuration
may vary.
Two different
fixed-height brackets are designed to
install for different screen heights as
illustrated in Detail A. Brackets with
inserts closer together are used for
installing screens 24 and 29” high,
while brackets with inserts that are
farther apart are used for installing
screens 31” high. Correct brackets
must be used for the inserts in the
brackets to align with the mounting
holes in the screens (Detail A).
2. Locate a fixed-height bracket per
the screen model being installed
and position the mounting tabs
to align with the pre-drilled holes
on the underside of the tabletop.
Secure the bracket to the underside
of the tabletop using four #12 x 1”
screws. Screens installed to tables
60” or greater have three fixed-height
brackets per assembly. Repeat this
process to secure the remaining
brackets to the underside of the table
(Figure 1).
Pirouette table
#12 x 1”
PPH screws
#12 x 1”
PPH screws
Figure 1
Detail A
bracket - 31”
bracket - 24” & 29”