„Installation and operation manual for fireplace insert”
Figure 18. Connection of forced distribution to the hood.
1.8 Protection of the beam in the fireplace enclosure
Considering radiation of the fireplace insert, particular attention is to be paid to protection of
the wooden beam during designing of the fireplace construction. On the one hand, consider
proximity of the beam to external walls of the fireplace insert and, on the other hand, radiation
of the furnace glazed door which is usually located very close to the fireplace beam.
Remember that both the internal surfaces and the bottom surface of the beam are made from
combustible materials and may not be in contact with a temperature above 65°C.
Figure 19 presents several examples of resolving this problem.
Dystrybucja wymuszona
rura o średnicy 125 lub 150 mm
Forced distribution – pipe with the
diameter of 125 or 150mm