Media POD
Keywest Technology Information Systems
Keywest Technology
14563 W. 96
Lenexa, Kansas 66215
24 July 2006
Change 01
First, creating Text Slide Crawls. Crawls must be created in the CG Editor window. To get
started, click on the New Crawl Button.
This will open up a new crawl page in which you may create your crawl. On the right edge of
the editor window are attributes you can set:
1. Font—this will allow you to chose any True Type font loaded on your PC already (same
fonts you use with any Windows program)
2. Size—sets the size in points; number of sizes available depends on the font chosen
3. Bold, Italic, Underline—same functions as word processors
4. Text Effect—add shadows, outlines, or both to text and choose the color of the shadow,
or outline
5. Fill—choose a solid fill to generate colors or a texture to create a custom look
With the color picker at the bottom of the screen, you can choose the color of the text (as
opposed to color of outline/shadow)
The work left to do amounts to typing text. Once you have your crawl message typed out, click
the SAVE CRAWL icon. Note, to segment the slide, use the “|” bar symbol—this will serve as
the delimiter in your crawl. Alternately, you can allow Media POD to automatically delimit your
crawls based on screen width.