DEVIS Operator’s Manual
Keywest Technology Information Systems
Keywest Technology
14563 W. 96
Lenexa, Kansas 66215
28 Jun 02
Change 00
Should DEVIS be shut down through normal Windows™ means, you’ll need to power the unit
with the front panel momentary power switch. To do so, simply open the front door, press the
power switch and release. You should hear the fans begin to run, and LED indicators on the
front panel should illuminate.
The DEVIS control software will “auto-run” at boot up. After everything is initialized, you
should see the main application form appear on your video monitors.
Out of the box, DEVIS has sample presentations and sample tones installed. These are the file
names listed on the form in figure 2.
Create your presentations as you would normally. PowerPoint™ is loaded on the DEVIS and
may be used as your creation center. Or, you may import presentations to DEVIS. Whichever
method you use, you will need to store them in the DEVISFOL folder so that DEVIS knows
where to get them.
If you are going to import to DEVIS, then you will treat DEVIS as though it were any other
computer on your network. Simply search for DEVIS from the originating PC, map it as any
other computer on the network, and click & drag files as necessary.
Figure 2