Step 1
Launch VirtualPC and Install Keyspan Windows Software
Launch VirtualPC by double clicking its icon. Once VirtualPC is running and you are in Win-
dows, install the Keyspan Windows software for your Keyspan serial port.
If you are not familiar with installing Windows software, please read that Keyspan product's
Windows documentation
for step by step instructions.
Step 2
Configure VirtualPC to emulate USB
Now that you have installed the Keyspan Windows software, we are ready to configure Virtu-
alPC to emulate USB. To do this, first select the "
" command from the
Please note that the VirtualPC menu bar may be hidden. You may have to hold down the Com-
mand key (aka Apple key).
Once the Settings window is open, select
COM1 Port
and set it to
. Next, select
and set it to
as well.
Keyspan USB Serial Adapter Software v2.x for Mac OS X User Manual
Rev 2006aug07 Page 32