FSK demodulation analysis
Key strokes
Connect the signal generator to the RF IN
connector and turn on the signal generator’s
FSK and RF output.
Turn on the FSK demodulation analysis
[MODE], rotate the knob to highlight
Demodulation Analysis, [ENTER], {FSK}
Set the carrier frequency.
{Carrier Freq}, [100], {MHz}
Set the symbol rate.
{Symbol Rate}, [10], {ksps}
Set the filter type.
{Filter Setup}, {Ref Filter}, {Nyquist},
Set the attenuation state to auto
{More 1 of 3}, {More 2 of 3}, {Attenuation
{Auto}}, {More 3 of 3}
Set the Y scale.
{Y Scale}, {Auto Scale}, {Return}
Set the FSK deviation limit and turn on the
limit function.
{More 1 of 3}, {Limits}, {FreDev UP}, [41],
{kHz}, {FreqDev Low}, [39], {kHz}, {Limits
on)}, {Return}
View the eye diagram.
{More 2 of 3}, {More 3 of 3}, {View}, {Eye
Section 12
ASK/FSK Demodulation Analysis (continued)
Figure 19. FSK demodulation
Figure 20. FSK eye diagram