Keysight M9384B Microwave Signal Generator Security Guide
Safety Information
Contacting Keysight
Contacting Keysight
Where to Find the Latest Information
Documentation is updated periodically. For the latest information about these
products, including instrument software upgrades, application information,
and product information, see the following URLs:
To receive the latest updates by email, subscribe to Keysight Email Updates:
Information on preventing instrument damage can be found at:
Is your product software up-to-date?
Periodically, Keysight releases software updates to fix known defects and
incorporate product enhancements. To search for software updates for your
product, go to the Keysight Technical Support website at:
Contacting Keysight Sales and Service Offices
Assistance with test and measurement needs, and information to help you find
a local Keysight office, is available via the internet at,
. If you do not have internet access,
please contact your designated Keysight representative.
In any correspondence or telephone conversation, refer to the instrument by its
model number and full serial number. With this information, the Keysight
representative can determine whether your unit is still within its warranty