Keysight M8050A High-Performance BERT Getting Started Guide
About This Guide
This guide provides high-level information for an initial setup of the Keysight M8050A
High-Performance BERT. This guide focuses on setting up “bundled” systems such as the
M8050A-BU2, M8050A-BU3, M8050A-BU4 and M8050A-BU5.
The M8050A-BU2 and M8050A-BU4 bundled systems has the M8050A module(s) and
pre-configured system consisting of one M9505A 5-slot AXIe Chassis with USB option.
The M8050A-BU3 and M8050A-BU5 bundled systems has the M8050A module(s) and
pre-configured system (pre installed M9537A with M8070B and M8050A module driver)
consisting of one M9505A 5-slot AXIe chassis with USB option and one M9537A AXIe
Embedded PC Controller.
If you ordered a system that requires on-site installation of individual M8050A modules or
the M9537A AXIe Embedded Host Computer into the M9505A AXIe Chassis, refer to the
Keysight M8000 Series of BER Test Solutions Installation Guide
for detailed module-level
installation instructions.