Introduction to the 34980A
Keysight 34980A Mainframe User’s Guide
Control Output
In addition to signal routing and measurement, you can also use the 34980A to
provide simple control outputs. For example, you can control external high-power
relays using the GP switch modules or a digital output channel.
The Digital Modules
The 34950A, 34951A and 34952A digital modules add two additional measurement
control output capabilities to the system: digital output and voltage (DAC) output.
For more information, see the individual User's Guides included with those modules.
The digital modules also contain digital input and event totalizer capabilities
which are described in more detail on
Digital Output
The digital modules have multiple non-isolated 8-bit input/output ports which you
can use for writing digital patterns. Each port has a separate channel number on the
module and contains 8-bits. You can combine ports to output 16- or 32-bit words.
Bit 0
Bit 7
Bit 8
Bit 15
Bit 16
Bit 23
Bit 24
Bit 31