Introduction to the 34980A
Keysight 34980A Mainframe User’s Guide
The Digital Modules
The 34950A and 34952A digital modules add two additional measurement input
capabilities to the system: digital input and event totalize. For more information,
see the individual User's Guides included with those modules.
Digital Input
The digital modules have multiple non-isolated 8-bit input/output ports which
you can use for reading digital patterns. You can read the live status of the bits on
the port or you can configure a scan to include a digital read. Each port has a
separate channel number on the module and contains 8-bits. You can combine
ports to read 16- or 32-bit words.
Bit 0
Bit 7
Bit 8
Bit 15
Bit 16
Bit 23
Bit 24
Bit 31