Z5623A Option H01
Theory of Operation
Theory of Operation
The theory of operation begins with a general description of the Keysight Z5623A Option H01
Dynamic Accuracy Test Set. This is followed by more detailed operating theory. The operation of
each group is described briefly, to the assembly level only. Detailed component level circuit
theory is not provided.
System Theory
The test set consists of four main components: a power supply, a front panel display, a test set
control board, and an attenuator/switch driver board. The purpose of the power supply is to
provide power to all boards and active components. The front panel display serves to indicate
attenuator and amplifier status
. Finally, the test set control board
controls all operations
needed to execute GP-IB commands
The Z5623A Option H01 Dynamic Accuracy Test Set is used to measure the dynamic accuracy
of a network analyzer's receiver.
shows a simplified block diagram of the test set.
Figure 1
Simplified Block Diagram
The Z5623A Option H01 was designed to allow a power meter to be used as the linearity
reference. The power splitter and attenuators AT_a and AT_b are used in conjunction to vary
the power to the receiver by 120 dB while the power delivered to the power meter stays within
a 10 dB range.
Attenuators AT_a and AT_b work as follows: assume the source is set to approxi7 dBm
(to account for the insertion loss through the signal path). With the source power set, the
power meter measures 0 dBm.
As the dynamic accuracy test progresses, AT_a is stepped from 0 to 10 dB. When the 1 dB
step attenuator reaches 10 dB, the power meter is at -10 dBm which is at the limit predefined
for the sensor. At this point, attenuator AT_b is increased by 10 dB and AT_a is decreased 10
dB (set back to 0). The power meter again reads 0 dBm while the power delivered to the
network analyzer remains the same. This progression is repeated until A2 is set to maximum
attenuation of 110 dB.
Keysight Z5623A-H01 User's Guide