Drainage System
General Overview
All water in the 244CC is drained either via gravity or pump. It is either drained directly overboard or to the aft bilge where it can be drained out either
via the garboard drain plug or the bilge pump. It is important to check the drainage system frequently to verify water flows freely, hoses are secure and
there are no leaks. The drains and discharge pumps are as follows starting at the bow:
Anchor Locker – Gravity drain along centerline of hull to 1-1/8” centerline transom Thru Hull
Port Bow Locker – Gravity drain connects via T-Connector to Anchor Locker drain
Starboard Bow Locker – Gravity drain connects via T-Connector to Anchor Locker drain
Fishbox Lip Drain – Gravity drain connects via T-Connector to Port Bow Locker Drain
Fishbox Drain – Feeds directly to Fishbox Macerator Pump
Forward Bilge Pump – Located in console bilge access hatch, discharges to port thru hull located directly under Fuel Fill Cap (See Note A below)
Fishbox Macerator Pump – Located in console bilge access hatch, discharges to port thru hull near transom (See Note B below)
Console Recess Drain – Gravity drain, drains directly to the bilge
Port Cockpit Drain – Gravity drain to inboard port 1-1/2” Thru Hull
Starboard Cockpit Drain – Gravity drain to inboard starboard 1-1/2” Thru Hull
Starboard Livewell Overflow Drain – Gravity drain connects via T-Connector to Starboard Livewell Drain
Starboard Livewell Drain – Gravity drain to outboard starboard transom 1-1/2” Thru Hull
Port Livewell Overflow Drain – Gravity drain connects via T-Connector to Port Livewell Drain
Port Livewell Drain – Gravity drain to outboard port transom 1-1/2” Thru Hull
Aft Bilge Pump – Located in aft bilge, discharges to starboard thru hull near transom. (See Note A below)
Note A: The forward and aft bilge pump are activated manually by individual switches. When in the off position, the pumps activate automatically via
built in Float switches. The automatic float switches remain activated when the battery switches are turned off. (See Electrical Schematics)
Note B: The fishbox macerator pump is controlled by a switch and circuit breaker (See Electrical Schematics). Never run the pump dry as it will damage
the pump. The fishbox should be cleaned after every use and pumped out before storing the boat.