4 Configuration
Configuration of the adapter can be carried out in several ways. The following description
explains the steps for configuration over a network for Microsoft Windows with the help of
the web interface integrated into the adapter. A static IP address is assigned.
Other methods (Telnet, RS-232, ARP) are to be found in the complete instructions,
download from website:
4.1 Accessing the web interface
To access the adapter’s web interface, a connection via the wired Ethernet interface has to
be established first. Therefore, the IP address and subnet mask of the computer used for
configuration has to be compatible with the adapter’s settings.
The following steps adjust the adapter settings so they match with the computer’s
Changing the adapters wired IP-address
Ideally you will be assigned a free IP address for the adapter by your network
administrator. To select a free IP address yourself, you must know your network
configuration. You can find out the most important information from your computer (which
is already connected to the network):
Click on Start (Windows Vista/7) or Start -> Run or press the key combination
“Windows key + R”.
Enter the following command:
cmd /K ipconfig
Press return.
In the window that will open, you will see the computer’s IP address and its subnet mask: