HSF 600W 042315
When the internal temperature of the HSF (M) 600W Power Supply increases beyond allowable
limit, the output is cut OFF and the fans turn OFF. The restart cycle (Power ON) should not begin
until the temperature returns to within specifications. To restart (reset) the unit, set the POWER
ON/OFF switch to OFF, wait until unit cools, then set the POWER switch to ON. The power supply
cannot be reset using the remote ON-OFF feature unless the power supply remains shut down for
at least 40 seconds.
The output characteristic of the power supply is a square type, and the unit is set to produce an
alarm (see PAR. 3.7.2) and shut down if output current exceeds specifications (see Table 2) for
more than 30 seconds. After the cause of overcurrent is removed, the power supply output is auto-
matically restored.and shut down if output current exceeds specifications (see Table 2) for more
than 30 seconds. Once unit shuts down, to recover either: a) press and release the front panel
OUTPUT RESET switch, or b) open and close connection across ±RC terminals, or c) remove a-c
input power (set POWER switch to OFF), wait 40 seconds, then restore a-c input power.
A cutoff of the fan supply voltage or a decrease in fan speed causes the output to shut down and the
fans to turn OFF. Fan failure and all the other protection circuit operations produce an alarm (see
PAR. 3.7.2). To restart (reset) the unit, press and release the OUTPUT RESET switch on the front
panel or, if the remote on/off feature is in use (see PAR. 3.5), open the connection between the
±RC pins and then reconnect the pins. The unit may also be restarted by turning the POWER ON/
OFF switch to OFF, waiting 40 seconds, then setting the POWER switch to ON. If fan rotation is
out of specification the power supply will not recover.
If power supply output voltage either falls below 80% of the programmed (set) value, or if output
voltage is programmed below the minimum values listed in Table 4, an alarm occurs if the internal
relay alarm (factory default, see PAR. is enabled. To restart (reset) the unit, press and
release the OUTPUT RESET switch on the front panel or, if the remote on/off feature is in use
(see PAR. 3.5), open the connection between the RC pins and then reconnect the pins. The unit
may also be restarted by turning the POWER ON/OFF switch to OFF, waiting 40 seconds, then
setting the POWER switch to ON. To enable the alarm function when operating below the mini-
mum values listed in Table 4, refer to PAR. to configure the optically-coupled alarm.
When the unit is connected in a parallel configuration, the front panel VDC ON/ALARM indicator
can be configured to light red if the respective power supply output voltage is lost or if the POWER
switch is set to OFF. This is enabled when DIP switch 1, position 8 set to ON. This can be useful
to indicate the loss of output voltage from one parallel-connected power supply that may not be
readily apparent. The visual alarm is normally disabled: DIP switch SW1, position 8 set to OFF
(factory default).