Incomprehensible voice: Try adjusting frequency more than you would to adjust the pitch.
Too much band noise: Turn on the notch lter by pushing the NOTCH button and adjusting
the NOTCH knob until you can hear the voice more clearly. You will also want to adjust the
IF SHIFT (inner knob) to match the NOTCH (outer knob) for best signal.
Still too high- or low-pitched: VBT can help adjust the tone of the signal; if you're tuned to
the correct frequency but someone still sounds too high-pitched, reduce this (or increase it if
they sound too low-pitched).
7 Transmitting
Once you're tuned up and you've heard someone, you can try contacting them. Always start
your transmission with you callsign. Here are some references to help you get on the air!
CQ I'm looking for people to talk to!
QRZ Who's calling? / My callsign is ...
QSL Can you acknowledge receipt of my transmission? / Receipt acknowledged.
QRM Are you being interfered with? / There's interference.
RST What's my readability/signal/tone?
73 Best wishes!
Table 2: Common Q-codes and other radio slang
VE3UOW This is VE3UOW, CQ, CQ, CQ.
VA3JIT This is VA3JIT, Victor-Alpha-Three-Juliet-India-Tango, QRZ?
VE3UOW This is Victor-Echo-Three-Uniform-Oscar-Whiskey, what's my RST?
VA3JIT VE3UOW, you are 5-9.
VE3UOW Thank you, VA3JIT; you are 5-9. QSL?
VA3JIT QSL, thank you very much! 73!
Table 3: An example contact
Make sure to record your contacts in your log book and send QSL cards!
Some references
Boatanchor Tune Up Procedure - Peak The Load - Dip The Plate. Helpful video
demo of tuning a Kenwood TS-830S. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8svua8n5Lw
eHam.net Band Reference. Also has handy forums and many other references.
K4EAA Ken's Kenwood Hybrid Tranceiver Sales, Restoration & Service. Lots of useful
information about this and other Kenwood hybrids. http://www.k4eaa.com/
Ocial Kenwood TS-830S Manual. (38MB)
Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC). General purpose amateur resource. http://rac.ca