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VH Electronics Slovakia
Insert a supplied power cord into the POWER. Then turn on the power switch. Initializing and
control equipment starts. After a short time, the fans will start, initialize the TFT touch screen
and display:
Basic menu
Home QSO
“ , “
Contest QSO
By pressing an icon on the screen we select:
I.4.1 Mode
Home QSO
This mode is suitable for the standard operation of the Home for the occasional QSO with less
demand for cooling of the PA. Speed cooling fans are continuously controlled (PWM) according
to the temperature of the LDMOS transistor independently of the control of the PTT (Rx/Tx
mode). Advantage
– quiet operation.
I.4.2 Mode
Contest QSO
This mode is suitable for the Contest, eventually for DIGI operation with high demands on
cooling of the PA. After switching of the PTT (Tx mode) it switches the maximum speed of the
cooling fans. After switching off the PTT (mode Rx) the speed is continuously controlled (PWM)
according to the temperature of the LDMOS transistor. Advantage - powerful cooling for
demanding operations.
After selecting the operating mode we will get to the menu for
Display operation
In this menu, the PA does not respond to control PTT. Coaxial relays RF INPUT linking
directly to the RF OUTPUT connector (bypass the amlifier). This mode ideal for local
QSOs at low power wihout having to disconnect the PA.
By moving the middle icon you are setting up the band which you currently use,
144 MHz or 432