Digital Audio Player Link
When this unit is connected to a Kenwood audio component with the Digital Audio
Player Link compatibility, playback of this unit can be controlled from the external
audio component.
Digital Audio Player Link-
compatible stereo
Digital audio input
Special cable
Switch this unit ON
Connect a stereo
Connect it to the [LINE OUT] terminal of this unit.
Set the input selector of the connected stereo set to “Digital Audio”
This unit’s operations including “Play/Pause” and “Skip Up/Down” can be
controlled from the main unit and remote control unit of the connected
Examples of Digital Audio Player Link-compatible stereo models:
AX-7, C-313, C-515BT, C-616DV, C-707I, K-323, K-501USB, K-511USB, K-521, K-711,
K-821DV, R-K1, R-K1000 (as of September 2010)
For details and operating method of the Digital Audio Player Link, refer to the
instruction manual for a Digital Audio Player Link-compatible audio component.
With the “folder skip” operation, the album is changed when a track is selected
from an album.
B60-5825-08̲00̲MGR-E8(E)̲English̲1AJ6P1P0109--(XE0).indd 54
B60-5825-08̲00̲MGR-E8(E)̲English̲1AJ6P1P0109--(XE0).indd 54
10/08/04 13:49
10/08/04 13:49