M -A3 0 0 / A1 0 0 (En)
Unpack t he unit caref ully and m ake sure t hat all accessories are put aside so t hey w ill not be lost . Exam ine t he unit f or any possibilit y of
shipping dam age. If your unit is dam aged or f ails t o operat e, not if y your dealer im m ediat ely. If your unit w as shipped t o you direct ly, not if y
t he shipping com pany w it hout delay. Only t he consignee (t he person or com pany receiving t he unit ) can f ile a claim against t he carrier f or
shipping dam age. W e recom m end t hat you ret ain t he original cart on and packing m at erials f or use should you t ransport or ship t he unit in t he
f ut ure.
Keep t his m anual handy f ut ure ref erence.
Introduction .................................................................................................... 2
Before applying pow er ...................................................... 2
Safety precautions ............................................................ 2
Special features ............................................................................................ 3
Controls and indicators ................................................................................ 3
System connections ...................................................................................... 4
Terminal connection ................................................................ 4
Connection of M -A300 ............................................................ 5
Connection of M -A100 ............................................................ 6
Operating instructions ................................................................................. 7
In case of difficulty ....................................................................................... 7
Specifications ........................................................................................ 8
Caution : Read the pages marked
carefully to ensure safe operation.
POWER sw itch
POWER indicator
Controls and indicators
Pow er amplifier for surround play
This unit is the amplifier designed exclusively for use w ith the surround speaker, center speaker and subw oofer for the surround system of the
SERIES 21.This unit allow s you to enjoy the surround play more effectively.
Special features
AC plug adapt or (1)*
Parallel cord (1)
* Use to adapt the plug on the pow er cord
to the shape of the w all outlet.
(Accessory only for regions w here use is
New TRAITR transistor adopted in the final stage
A new TRAITR transistor w hich features superior temperature tracking characteristics has been adopted in the final stage of the pow er
amplifier block. This new TRAITR transistor combines a temperature compensation resistor w ith an emitter resistor and final transistor to
provide ideal temperature compensation characteristics and minimize distortion caused by temperature variations.