6.3 PC control software operation instructions
MIX- control software is a green software, do not need to install, double-click the main
program to use. Through RS232 serial line or cable to connect to matrix and computer,
through the MIX control software to control the matrix.
Note: please set the computer's IP and matrix's IP in the same segment. As follows:
Figure 6.3.0 Computer IP changes
Network connection:
use network cable to connect computer and matrix,
double-click to open the control software, click "SETUP" button, input network address in
the white box on the right side of the network address (click on the touch screen
"SETUP" button of matrix to view matrix network address), then click the "network
connection" button, when all the buttons at the bottom right corner are green, the
connection is successful. At this point, click the "load" button on the interface to display
some of the configuration of the matrix, as shown in Figure 6.3.1