Kenmore Kenmore 415.16237 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 9

Содержание Kenmore 415.16237

Страница 1: defects or other reproductive harm __ m Read and follow all Safety Statements Assembly Instructions and Use Care Directions before attempting to assemble and cook Some parts may contain sharp edges especially as noted in these instructions Wear protective gloves if necessary Parts Assembly Safety Rules Use and Care Troubleshooting Espa5oi p 36 Assembly Questions Call 1 800 241 7548 Parts Orderi...

Страница 2: ...n which if not avoided will result in death or serious injury WARNING Be alert to the possibility of serious bodily injury if the instructions are not followed Be sure to read and carefully follow all of the messages c o CAUTION Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which if not avoided may result in minor or moderate injury Installation Safety Precautions Use grill as purchased only with LP...

Страница 3: ...ver 4 5 million quality parts and accessories That s the kind of professionalism you can count on to help prolong the life of your new purchase for years to come Purchase your Repair Protection Agreement today Some limitations and exclusions apply For prices and additional information call 1 800 827 6655 Sears installation Service For Sears professional installation of home appliances garage door ...

Страница 4: ... smelled LP gas is highly flammable and may ignite unexpectedly when mixed with air LP Tank Removal Transport And Storage Turn OFF all control knobs and LP tank valve Turn coupling nut counterclockwise by hand only do not use tools to disconnect Lift LP tank wire upward off of LP tank collar then lift LP tank up and off of support bracket install safety cap onto LP tank valve Always use cap and st...

Страница 5: ...y Leak test must be repeated each time LP tank is exchanged or refilled Do not smoke during leak test Do not use an open flame to check for gas leaks Grill must be leak tested outdoors in a well ventilated area away from ignition sources such as gas fired or electrical appliances During leak test keep grill away from open flames or sparks Usea clean paintbrush and a 50 50 mild soap and water solut...

Страница 6: ...cannot complete the connection disconnect regulator and repeat steps 5 and 6 If you are still unable to complete the connection do not use this regulator A Neverremove threaded orifice at end of valves Do not insert any tool or foreign objects into the valve outlet or safety relief valve You may damage the valve and cause a leak Leaking propane may result in explosion fire severe personal injury o...

Страница 7: ...ore opening LP tank valve check the coupling nut for tightness A When grill is not in use turn offall control knobs and LP tank valve A Never move grill while in operation or still hot A Use long handled barbecue utensils and oven mitts to avoid burns and splatters A Maximum load for shelves is 10 Ibs A The grease tray must be inserted into grill and emptied after each use Do not remove grease tra...

Страница 8: ...ion Be sure burner lights and stays lit 4 Ignite other burners by turning the knob to_ then turn control knob to desired setting Start with burner closest to ignited burner Rotisserie Lighting 1 Open lid during lighting Turn on gas at LP tank or gas Source 2 To ignite turn rotisserie knob to_ push and hold Electronic Ignitor button Be sure burner lights and stays lit 3 If ignition does not occur i...

Страница 9: ...d brass wire bristle brush o Check inside the grill bottom for grease build up and clean often especially after cooking fatty meat Do not mistake brown or black accumulation of grease and smoke for paint Interiors of gas grills are not painted at the factory and should never be painted Apply a strong solution of detergent and water or use a grill cleaner with scrub brush on insides of grill lid an...

Страница 10: ...brush with a flexible handle do not use a brass wire brush run the brush through each Burner Tube several times C Wear eye protection Use an air hose to force air into the Burner Tube and out the burner ports Check each port to make sure air comes out each hole 1 Wire brush entire outer surface of Burner to remove food residue and dirt 2 Clean any blocked ports with a stiff wire such as an open pa...

Страница 11: ... thermometer to ensure proper internal food temperatures Chill Refrigerate prepared foods and leftovers promptly For more information call USDA Meat and Poultry Hotline at 1 800 535 4555 In Washington DC 202 720 3333 10 00 am 4 00 pm EST 0_ 1 Burner Cooking Cook with direct or indirect heat Best for smaller meals or foods Consumes less fuel Indirect Cooking Instructions Always cook with the lid cl...

Страница 12: ...l Rotisserie Knob 80010528 ControlKnob Rotisserie 80007251 FrontBracew Door Magnet 80010512 1 4 20xl 3 4 Screw HMS02520175CPNSTSS UpperBackPanel 80010529 TowerBar 80010532 RightSideShelf 80010530 Fascia Right 80010531 Lid SideBurner 80010536 SideBurnerPan 80010535 LeftSideShelf 80010533 49 1 50 6 51 1 52 2 53 2 54 2 55 1 56 1 57 1 58 1 59 3 60 1 61 2 62 2 63 1 64 2 65 1 66 8 67 5 68 1 69 1 70 1 71...

Страница 13: ...33 34 67 67 67 67 67 24 24 _ 24 24 _9 25 25 25 25 25 46 57 56j_ i i4 53 _ 54 29 27 32_ 36 36 38 36 36 36 36 0 37 39 37 37 37 37 5 9 _9 r 3 4 35 3O 50 7 66 463264407 13 ...

Страница 14: ...Bottom Shelf Attachthe twolocking castersat the rear of the bottom shelf Attachthe twofixed castersat thefront Usethe rovidedcasterwrenchto fullytightencasters Fixed Caster T Bottom Shelf 14 463264407 ...

Страница 15: ...chsidepanelsto bottomshelf Usethree1 4 20x1 2 screwsand1 4 lockwashersper panel IMPORTANT Panelwith bracket must be on left side of bottom shelf 1 4 1 4 LockWasher 1 4 20x1 2 Screw LeftSide Panel ht Side Panel 463264407 15 ...

Страница 16: ...sat rearof bottomshelf Securelowerbackpanelto sidepanelsusingtwo 4 20x1 2 screwsand 1 4 lockwashersoneach side Securemiddleof lowerbackpanelto bottomshelfusingone 1 4 20x1 2 screwand 1 4 lockwasher 1 4 LockWasher 1 4 20x1 2 Screw Lower Back Panel 16 463264407 ...

Страница 17: ...d position grill head onto cart Carefullylowerthegrill headontothe cart aligningslotsat bottomof grillheadwithpostsoncartside panels Grill head must face open sideof cart Grill Head Post BeforeAssembling the grill headon the lowercart After Assembling 463264407 17 ...

Страница 18: ...ceundercontrolpanelandbetweencartside panels Secureusingtwo 1 4 20xl 3 4 screwsand1 4 lock washersoneach side NOTE MAKESURETHESCREWS ARE IN THELOWEST POSSIBLEPOSiTiONiNTHEMOUNTING HOLES 1 4 LockWasher 1 4 20xl 3 4 Screw 18 463264407 ...

Страница 19: ...s usingone 1 4 20xl 3 4 screwand1 4 lockwasheroneachside shown A Securecart upperbackpanelto lowerbackpanelfrominside usingone1 4 20x1 2 screwand 1 4 lockwasherinthe centerholeshownB Do not fully tighten screws until side shelf installationis complete inlater steps D l 4 LockWasher 1 4 20x1 2 Screw 1 4 20xl 3 4 Screw RearUpperPanel 463264407 19 ...

Страница 20: ...en Insertsideshelfoverscrewsandwashersthroughbracket shownB CandD C Makesurethe middleshelftabsare insertedintothe cartside panelcut outshownC Attachone1 4 20x 3 4 screwand 1 4 lockwasherat the rearshelfflangeshownD Attachone1 4 20x5 8 screwand1 4 lockwasherto front shelfflangeshownE Gobackandfullytightenscrews shownB Only Right Shelf Shown ForAssembly repeatabove steps B Efor Left sideburner shel...

Страница 21: ...hsideburnershelf fasciaso thatvalvestemcomesthroughlargercenterholein fasciashownB Attachsideburnerbezeltofascia usingscrewsthatwere removed frombracketshownB PresssideburnercontrolknobontovalvestemshownB 0 8 LockWasher 8 32x3 8 Screw O 8 32x318 Screw And 8 Lock Washer Fasciaoutlined for view Sideburner Shelf Fascia Sideburner Bezel Control Knob 463264407 21 ...

Страница 22: ...ureburnertubealignscorrectlyontosideburnervalve underneathleftshelfshownB Secureburnerto bracketusingtwo 10 24x3 8 screwsand 5ram siliconand 10 lockwashersshownC Attachsideburnerigniterwirefrom ignitermoduleto electrode tip underneathleftshelfshownD Sideburner Burner 10 Lock Washer O 5 mm Silicon Washer 10 24x3 8 Screw Left Shelf Cut out with Bracket 22 463264407 ...

Страница 23: ...deburneraligningcut out in diverterto fit aroundelectrodeshownA Placeburnercap ontosideburnerandattachsideburnercap clip shownB Placesideburnercookinggrateontosideburnershelf aligninggratelegswithholesinshelfshownA SidebumerCapClip Q Sideburner Cookinc Burner C_ SideburnerWind Diverter 463264407 23 ...

Страница 24: ...tson upperbackpanelshown A and B for rearview of cart Makesure greasetrayslide is alignedwithcutout in upperbackpanelshownC Attachfrontshieldtabsof tankheatshieldunderfrontbrace usingthree 8x3 8 self tappingscrewsshownD D T 8x3 8 Self tappingScrew RearShield Tabs Front ShieldTabs w Hole 24 463264407 ...

Страница 25: ...lowerrightwire endintorightslot shown A Attachfront rightwire endof tankexclusionwire to the left side panelbracketusingone 8 32x3 8 screwand 8 lock washershownB Attachbottomwireendof tankexclusionwireto the bottom panelusingone 8 32x3 8 screwand 8 lockwasher shownC 8 LockWasher 8 32x3 8 Screw 463264407 25 ...

Страница 26: ...front of cartside panel Theninsertbottomhingetab into bottom slotonfrontof cartside panelmakingsuremiddlehingetab also insertintomiddleslot Secureeachdoorto cartside panelusingfour 8 32x3 8flat headscrews T 8 32x3 8 Fiat HeadScrew 8 32x318 Flat Head Middle Bottom 4 26 463264407 ...

Страница 27: ...FlameTamers Installeachflametamerby insertingoneendof flametamer intoslotsat frontof fireboxbracketandrestingoppositeend on pinlocatedat backof firebox FlameTamer 463264407 27 ...

Страница 28: ... Warming Grate Placecookinggratesonto thefireboxas shown Insertthe threewire endsat rearof warmingrackinto holes in rearoffirebox Frontwiresof warmingrackreston sidesof fireboxshownA D Warming Rack g Grate 28 463264407 ...

Страница 29: ...wunderbottomshelf Insertregulatorthroughlargeholeinleftside panel SeeUse Care section of this manual to perform the Burner FlameCheck and for important safety instructions before using t CAUTioN L LPTank valve must face to front of cart once tank is attached Failure to install cylinder correctly may allow gas hose to be damaged in operation resulting inthe risk of fire Always keep LPtank in uprigh...

Страница 30: ...tall grease tray will cause hot grease to drip from bottom of grill with risk of fire or property damage AssemblingElectronicIgnitionButton Unscrewelectronicignitionbuttononfrontof controlpanel InsertAAbatteryintoignitor negative endfirst Replacebutton AA Battery Electronic ignitionButton 30 463264407 ...

Страница 31: ...r jumbo Venison Steak 1 thick Burgers 1 2 Roast 3 4 Ibs Vegetables Baking Potato whole Onions whole Tomatoeshalf Corn whole Mushrooms Setting Cooking Time Medium Medium Hot Low Medium Low Medium Low Medium Medium Hot Low Medium Medium Low Low Low Medium Medium Hot Medium Hot Low Medium Medium Medium Low Medium Low Low Medium Low Medium Med 7 10 min Well done 10 15 min Rare 3 6 min Med 6 9 min Well...

Страница 32: ...nut to LPtank CouplingnutandLPtankvalvenotfully connected ELECTRICALISSUES Electrode crackedor broken sparksat crack Electrode tip not in properposition Wireand orelectrodecoveredwith cookingresidue Wiresarelooseordisconnected Wiresareshorting sparking between ignitorandelectrode Turnoffcontrolknobsand LPtankvalve Leavelidopento allow flamesto diedown Afterfire is out andgrillis cold removeburner ...

Страница 33: ... Replaceignitor Inspectwireinsulationandproperconnection Replacewiresif insulationis broken See Match Lighting sectionof UseandCare Checkfor gas inLPtank Turnoff knobs wait30secondsandlight grill Ifflamesarestilllow turnoff knobsand LPtankvalve Disconnectregulator Reconnect regulatorandleak test Turnon LPtankvalve wait30 secondsand thenlightgrill Turnoff knobsandLPtankvalve Disconnect couplingnutf...

Страница 34: ...t direction Isthe gaptoo big Areoutputleadwireson and tight Ifpossible observegrillin darklocation Operate ignitionsystemandlookfor arcingbetweenoutputwires andgrillframe Allsparkspresentbutweak or at slowrate Hasmoistureaccumulated onelectrodeand orin burner ports Inspectelectrodesfor cracks Installbattery makesure that and connectors are orientedcorrectly with endup and enddown Replacebatterywit...

Страница 35: ...iii 1 800 488 1222 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii HHHHHHHH_ Call anytime day or night U S A only iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii www soors com iiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii To purchase a protection agreement U S A iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ormaintenanceagreement Canada onaproductservicedbySears iiiiiiiiii 1 800 827 6655 U S A 1 800 361 6665 Canada iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Para pedirservicio de reparaci6n A...
