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Содержание 32184 - Power Miser 12

Страница 1: ...Manual for Future Reference POWER MISER TM 12 ELECTRIC WATER HEATER Safety Instructions Installation Operation Care and Maintenance Troubleshooting Parts List GAMA certification applies to a residential electric water heaters with capacities of 20 to 120 Gallons Input rating of 12Kw or lessat a voltage no greater than 250 _L _WARNING READ THE GENERAL SAFETY SECTION BEGINNING ON INSIDE COVER AND TH...

Страница 2: ... or hareanyreduclng ouplln_s or other restdctiom Mustnot beplugged orblocl_d Mustbe ef mate_al listedfor hotwaterdlstzlbotlon Mustbe iest_lledsoasto allow completedralnage of beth the temperature pressure rellof valve and the dischargepipe Musttermlnate atanadequatedr_n Mustnothareanyvalvebetweenthe reliefvaiveandtenL _kWARNING HAZARD OF ELECTRICAL SHOCK Before removing any accesspanelsor sorvlcia...

Страница 3: ... Converting the Lowcr FJcmcnt 10 12 g_ring Diagrams 3 g_ring 14 Installation Chccklist 5 Thermostats 16 Thermostat Settings 6 Upper and Lower Thermostat Adjustment W Tcmpcramrc Prcssurc RolicfValve Opcration W Draining W Element Clcaning and R cplaccmcnt l 8 20 Anode Rod lnspcction 20 Drain _zal_ c _ ashcr R cplaccmcnt 20 Scrvicc 20 Thermal Expansion Strange Sounds Operational Conditions 22 23 Smd...

Страница 4: ...GE This manual contains instructions br the installation opera tion and malntcnancc of this clcctric watcr hcatcr It also contains warnings throughout thc manual that you must mad and bc awarc of All warnings and all instructions arc esscn tial to thc propcr opcratlon of the watcr hcatcr and your s afc t Since wc cannot put eyeD thing on thc first few pages RFAD THIS ENTIRE MANUAL BEFORE ATTEMIrlL...

Страница 5: ...RS HAVING A DIAHETER 22 OR LESS AND AVAILABLE IN 28 DIAHETER FOR WATER HEATERS HAVING A DIAHETER 25 OR LESS Basic Tools You may or may rtot nccd all of these tools dcpcndJ tg on your typc of ir_svallation Thcsc tools can bc pttrdlascd at your local Scars s_aor Pipe Wrench 2 Screwdriver 6 Foot Tape or Folding Rule Garden Hose Drill Pipe Dope or Teflon Tape 6 FOOT TAPE GARDEN HOSE SLOT HEAD SCRE H D...

Страница 6: ...matcly 4 a_ay from whcrc they connect to the watcr hcatcr This will avoid cutting offthc pipes too short Addkional cuts can bc madc later if necessary Disconncct the tcmpcra turc prcssurc rclicf valvc drain linc Whcn the watcr hcatcr is draincd dJsconncct the hose from the dmln valvc Closc thc drain valve The water heater is now completdv dJsconncctcd and ready to bc removed b you galvanizcd pipc ...

Страница 7: ...nsare available at your local Sears stores Such a drain pan must be piped to an adequate draln Thc Uppcr Elcmcnt if a doublc clcmcnt modcl is a convcn tional 3800 watt clcmcnt which only opcratcs at its ratcd wawagc on 240 volts Scc rating plasc on watcr hcascr Thc _x_wcrElcmcnt of thc _atcr hcascr can bc convcrtcd from opcmtion at 3800 _atts to 5500 _atts on a 240 volt _Tstcm Rcad and follow _atc...

Страница 8: ...lbe providedto controlthermg _pa_ion Contact the localutility or Iocg S_ ServiceCenter on how to control thisgalation NO rE_If oslng copper fadslng solder fathlngto an adapter before attaching the adapter to the cold _ater inlet connection Do not sob derthe cold _at_ sopply llne dice_dyto the cold wat_ inlet It will luL_ta the dip tube and damagethe tank Ix_okat _e top coverof the waterh_ter The w...

Страница 9: ...rd and provMe tubing so that any d sch_urge w ll exit only with n 6 inches above or at anydistencebelow the struttu_d floor Be cer teln that no contact is made with any I_veelectrical The d_sch_mge openingmust not be blockedor reduced_n s_zeunder any cireumstances Excessivelength over 30 feet or useof more than four elbowscan causerestriction and reducethe d_sch_urge cap_city of the valve No valve...

Страница 10: ...d MthJn thc clcctrical junction box on top of thc watcr hcatcr These instructions only cover the convcrdon of the convertible dcmcnt mad this entire manual bcforc attcmpting to install or opcratc thc watcr hcatcr Thc wascr hcatcr is J acto W sct to opcr arc at 3800 watts The lower clement can be convcrtcd to oper asc at 5500 watts Rcfi r to thc Facts to Consldcr About thc Convcrtlblc Lower Elcmcnt...

Страница 11: u_ Tl_ I_ _ _ I 0 j PI ASTIC TA_S ON BOTH _IDES OF TEFe3_INAL COVER 14OLD IT IN FLACE TIq ERblOSTAT BRACKET _K_ TANK ELEMENT 6 Thc buss bar is labclcd 5500 W Placc thc buss bar ovcr tcrm nals 2 and 3 with the 5500 W vis blc rnsv_all the cxtra scrcw provided into tcrm nal 3 I I 7 Thc wbc rcmovcd fi om tcrm_nal 2 has a loopcd cnd lt must rcma_n loopcd and now bc placcd as shown on top of thc buss...

Страница 12: ...o so can result _nDEATH SERIOUS BODILY INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE 10 Rcplacc thc insulation block and pad so that it complctcly covcrs thc thcrmosvat and dcmcnt 712 Complctc wiring to thc _atcr hcatcr or if complctcd turn ON clcctrlc powcr to thc _atcr hcatcr aJrtcrt211lng thc tank w4th watcr 1 CAUTION Never use this water heater unless_t _scompletely full of water To prevent damage to the tank and...


Страница 14: ...iblc mcvallic robing shall bc pcrmktcd _r groundhog if dl thc following conditions arc tDet Thc Icngth in any ground return path docs not cxcccd 6 fcct 2 Thc circuk conductors convAncd thcmin arc protectcd by ovcrcurrcntdc_4ccsrased at 20 ampcrcs or less 3 Thc conduit or tubing is tcrminatcd in fittings approvcd _r grounding For complctc grounding dcta ls and all allowable exceptions rcfizr to the...

Страница 15: ...cit4cations scction rs thc tcw tcmpcraturc prcasurc rclicf valvc propcrly msvallcd and ptpcd to an adcqtlatc dram Scc Tcmpcraturc Prcssurc Rclici Valvc scction rs thc _atcr hcatcr complctclv RIIcd with _atcr Scc Filling thc Watcr Hcatcr tastrucuons m thc Iasta atto t nstructions scction Will a _atcr lcak damagc anything Scc Facts to Considcr About thc Location scction Arc thc co d and hot watar ti...

Страница 16: ... or to J draw their own bath water Never leave a ch Id or hand capped personunattended in a bathtub or shower The lower thcrmosvat is J actot_ T set at a position which approxi mates I L0 F IHOT and Js ai B svablc ti a dtfi_crent water tem perature is desired Read allwarnings in this mantial and on the water heater be_rc proceeding ADJUSTABLE LOWER TH ERM OSTAT 2 wire lead models 4 iO ADJUSTABLE L...

Страница 17: ... Temperature Pressure Relief Valve Operation Thc tcmpcraturc prcssum rclicf v dvcmust bc martwally opcratcd at lcast once a ycar TEHPERATURE PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE DISCHARGE PIPE AWARNING The temperature pressure relief valve must be manually operated at least once a year Caution shouldbe taken to ensurethat I no one is in front of or around the outlet of the temperatere pressure relief valvedischa...

Страница 18: ...could result n DEATH SERI OUS BOD LY NJUR_ OR PROPERTY DAMAGE 2 Turn off thc watcr supply to thc watcr hcatcr at thc watcr shutoffva lve or water meter 3 Awach a hosc to thc watcr hcatcr drain valvc and put thc othcr cnd in a floor d_ain or outdoors Opcn thc watcr hcatcr drain valvc Opcn a ncarby hot _atcr fSaucct which will mlicvc pmssurc in thc _atcr hcatcr and spccd draining 6 Lift out thc cab ...

Страница 19: ... to rtm until a consent flow ls obtalncd This will lct air out ofthc watcr hcatcr and thc piping 8 Clcan thc arca around thc clcmcnt opcning Rcmovc any scdlmcnt from or around thc clcmcnt opcning and lnsidc the tank 9 if you arc clcaning thc clcmcnt you havc rcmovcd do so by scraping or soaking in _4ncgar or a liming solution AWARNING I Replacement elements must I be the same volt_ geand I 2 no g_...

Страница 20: I sure the electrical supply to the water heate_ _sturned I OFF Failure to do this could result _n DEATH_ SERI OUS BOD LY NJUR_ OR PROPERTY DAMAGE Follow Draining instructions in the _Scrvicc and Adjustment section Turning counter clockwise remove the hcx cap below the screw handle Remove the _ashcr and put the new one in placc Scrcw the handle and cap assembly back into the drain vdvc and rcti...

Страница 21: ...tores and through the Scars Service Canters Contact the Ioca 1pltmtbing inspector water supplier and or the Sears Service Center for assistance in controlling these situations Thermal Expansion Tank Specifications Modd Tank Capacity Dimensions in lnchcs Pipc Fitting Ntmtbcr ln Gallons Diamctcr l cngdl On Tank 153 33 020 2 8 inchcs 2_ inchc _ Male 153 3371050 5 inches 4_inchc _ Malc HOT WATER HEA_E...

Страница 22: ... dcposits will build up on your hcating dcmcnts This buildup will causc a rumbling noisc Follow Elcmcnt ClcaningiRcplaccmcnt instructions to clcan and rcplacc thc clcmcnts HIGH TEMPERATURE SHUT OFF SYSTEM Thc watcr hcatcr has a high limit shut off systcm with a rcsct button Iocatcd on thc thcrmostat Follow thc rcsctting instructions which rcfcr to thc high limit bchind thc acccss pancl NOTE Ifyoor...

Страница 23: ...pply to your watcr hcatcr is ON o o o o o o Chcck _r loose or blown fuscs in your watcr hcatcr circtfit Circtfit brcakcrs wcakcn with agc and may not handlc thcir ratcd load and should bc rcplaccd Makc ccrvaJn thc disconncct switch if uscd is in thc ON position Chcck to scc thc clcctric scr_4cc to your housc has not bccn intcrruptcd If this is thc _c con_ct thc clcctric company Arc thc thcrmostats...

Страница 24: ...e water heater _sturned OFF Failure to do this could result _n DEATH_ SERIOUS BODILY INJUR_ OR PROPERTY DAMAGE Turn dcctrical powcr OFF rcmovc acccss pancls and insolation block and pad If lcaking around clcmcnts I_bllow propcr draining instructions and rcmovc element Rcposltlon or replace gaskct on element Place element into opcnlng andtightcn scct_rcly Then follow Filling thc Watcr Hcatcr instru...

Страница 25: ...Notes 25 ...

Страница 26: ...Notes 26 ...

Страница 27: ...Notes 27 ...

Страница 28: ...e operated at 3800 watts or 5500 watts Convertible elements are not offered as replaeament parts ELEMENT ORDERING INFORMATION If a rcplaeement 3800 waR 240 volt element is needed o_des item no 42 31906 _eplaeememt elememt fiat file dine ofinstal latlon file water heater was converted to operate at 5500 watts order item numbes 42 31908 replacement element See model rating plate If Converted box NOT...

Страница 29: ...29 9003929 9003098 9003098 900 1584 9001584 9000308 9000308 3800Watt 3800 Watt 42 31906 _ 42 3 06 5500 Watt 5500 Watt 42 31908 _ 42 3 08 90071591 90015971 9000309 9000309 4231919 9002276 o _ 423 18 9002303 9002671 900267 1 9002671 900267 1 9002303 9002303 4231917 t 423 li 9000309 9000309 42 31906 _ 4_ 3 06 9000308 9000308 02707182 0270182 9003928 9003928 184730 000 9002403 9003909 9003939 9003919 ...

Страница 30: ... be operated at 3800 watts or 5500 watts Convertible elements are not offered as replacement parts ELEMENT ORDERING INFOI_MATION If a replacement 3800 waR 240 volt elememt is zleeded o_des item no 42 31906 zeplaeeme_t eleme ah _at file dine of instaL lation_ file water heater was ennverted to operate at 5500 watts order item mtmbes 42 31908 replacement element See model eating pLate ff Converted b...

Страница 31: ...003933 9003098 9003098 900 1584 9001584 9000308 9000308 3800Watt 3800 Watt 42 31906 _ t 4_ 3 06 5500 Watt 5500 Watt 42 31908 o 42 3 08 90071591 90015971 9000309 9000309 42 3 1919 9002276 4231918 9002303 9002671 900267 1 9002671 900267 1 9002303 9002303 4231917 t 4_ 3 1 i 9000309 9000309 42 31906 _ 4_ 3 06 9000308 9000308 02707182 0270182 9003728 9003932 184730 000 9002403 9003936 9003935 9003933 9...

Страница 32: ..._pesor fittings c Condensation MASTER PROTECTION AGREEMENTS Congratulationson makinga smartpurchase Your newKenmorc_prod uct isdcsigncdand manufacturedfor y_ts of dependableoperation But likeall products it mW require prcv_ ntiv_ mainrcnanccor repair from time to time That s w en as4nga Master Protection Agreementcan sav_ you money and aggravation Purchasea MasterProtection Abwccmcnt now and prote...
