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Installation Continued
Step 4:
Locate the Cross Bars and 20 Pan Head Screws. Install 10 screws into each cross bar as shown
Step 5:
Determine how the Workbench will be grounded. If using the ESD Grounding Boot, proceed to
step 6. If an Earth ground is needed proceed to step 7.
Step 6:
Install the Grounding Boot on the right rear Leg Leveler. Locate the ESD Grounding Boot, and
the short, pre-installed grounding wire. Remove the Philips head screw from the Ground Boot,
place the lever stem through the bottom of the Grounding Boot, latch the top of the Grounding
Boot, strip and install the ground wire between the boot halves. Reinstall the Phillips screw. Flip
table over and adjust the leg levelers until workbench is level. Use the provided cable tie
mounts to secure the ground wire to the table leg.
Step 7:
Locate the 10’ pr
e-installed grounding wire. Determine where the Workbench will be installed.
Flip table over and adjust the leg levelers until workbench is level. Connect the 10’ Earth ground
wire to a safe common grounding point. Use the provided cable tie mounts to secure the
ground wire to the table leg.